
Performed during delivery, an episiotomy is a small surgical incision in the perineum that aims to make it easier for the baby to be born.
Under what circumstances is an episiotomy indicated?
It may be performed when, during delivery, the baby’s head is too big or it is breech. This means there is a significant risk of tearing the perineum (which can lead to complications). The obstetrician or midwife may also decide to perform this surgical procedure if the baby shows signs of distress during delivery, to help it be born more easily. Finally, it may also be performed during the use of forceps by medical staff.
Can an episiotomy cause discomfort?
It is a surgical procedure, with everything that entails: it may take a long time and sometimes be painful for an episiotomy to heal, especially when nerves have been affected, but discomfort varies a great deal between women.
What personal hygiene product should you use after giving birth?
After the treatment prescribed by your doctor, it is essential to maintain an appropriate personal hygiene routine using recommended products. Finally, and subsequently, you can use moisturising and soothing intimate creams.